Juan Zuniga
Juan Zuniga is the Owner of Novalis in Peru and has been good friends with Colleen since 2011.
Juan Zuniga harvests and supplies Colleen with many different medicinal plants from his lands in Peru to help assist Colleen to hold Silent Dietas on her lands.
Juan Zuniga is Peruvian, he is the Inspiration and Owner Of Novalis. He is in charge of all the daily operations and logistics and oversee's community outreach projects. He also holds deep heart-felt space as an assistant guide in plant ceremonies with Ayahuasca and Wachuma. Juan was born and raised in Peru. He studied linguistics at PUCP (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru) specializing in Quechua. Juan has been living in the region of Madre de Dios for over 12 years and has extensive experience in working with local communities.
Novalis is located on 2,000 hectares of Brazil Nut Concession in the district Bajo Piedras of Madre de Dios region, close to the triple border of Peru, Brazil, and Bolivia. Surrounded by primary and secondary tropical rainforests in what is considered to be the bio-diversity capital of the world.
Novalis is a habitat for many animal species such as Jaguar, Tapir, White-lipped peccary, black spider monkey, and many other animals. Novalis offers Ayahuasca retreats and nature plant dieta retreats with very experienced shipibo medicine women & men facilitators offering decades of experience who work in this region, and are eager to continue to support the local and global tribe people initiatives that help support to make this region so beautiful!.
Medicine Dog and Professional Cuddler
Caspera is one of Colleen's beautiful dogs at the Enchanted healing center. She was originally a stray dog from Peru found by Colleen and later taken back to Canada after her travels. Caspera is a Mama of 4 puppies from Peru. Her brother has Caspera's first born puppy now, and her other girlfriends have the three other puppies safe and sound and out of danger from the rough life in the streets of Peru. Caspera has been with Colleen for many years and brings so much joy and love to the center. You will find her coming up for pets and cuddles and eating the cat's food. She sometimes sits in community gatherings serving as a medicine dog. Caspera is 11yrs old now.
Medicine Dog and Hiking Companion
Echo is another one of Colleen's beautiful dogs at the Enchanted healing center. When you first meet Echo, you notice her friendly and playful nature. She loves going out for walks with guests and being in the outdoors.
Pearl is an 11 yr old rescued abused cat, who is from B.C. She loves the outdoors and has matured very nicely over the years and now gets along with all the animals in the home. She has a very warm loving purrr-resence and loves when you turn on the tap for her to drink fresh water.